School Counseling
Every school provides guidance and counseling services to all students. Read 324P - School Guidance and Counseling Programs.
Mission Statement
The mission of the school counseling program is to provide all students with a comprehensive developmental school counseling program that supports and encourages student success through growth in academic, career and personal-social domains. In partnership with school staff, parents and the community, the school counselor will provide opportunities for all students to maximize their potential as lifelong learners and problem solvers.
- Individual Counseling – Children explore their feelings and concerns which promotes self-understanding, personal-social growth and problem-solving.
- Small Group Counseling – Group settings are provided to offer children opportunities to discuss developmental issues and learn new skills and strategies to promote personal and educational growth.
Classroom Guidance
A developmental curriculum is designed to focus on personal and social-awareness, self-management, relationship management and educational success.
Consultation with parents and staff is provided as requested to help children achieve educational success.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Is Learned…It Starts at Home
- Self-awareness…Knowing Things About Yourself
- Knowing and Managing Your Emotions
- Trying to Understand Other People and Their Feelings
- Being Enthusiastic About Your Work and Setting Goals for Your Life
- Getting Along with Other People…Their Interests…Using Your Social Skills
- Handling Stress
- Making Good Decisions
- Communicating Effectively
- Accepting Who You Are…Liking Yourself
- Being Able to Work Well in a Group
- Taking Responsibility for What You Say and Do
- Being Able to State Your Opinion/Concerns in a Calm, Respectful Tone of Voice
- Being Able to “Fight Fair” with Others…Knowing How to Solve Problems with Others
This information is taken from the works of Dr. Daniel Goleman.