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Continuous School Improvement Plan

Frederick County Public Schools is dedicated to continuous improvement. Our school principals lead efforts to plan, implement, and review their goals, using a variety of data to make sure we’re always moving in the right direction. School and division plans are monitored for progress and updated quarterly to support our commitment to our students and their families.

This information keeps families informed about our progress and the status of school goals. You’ll find updates and insights as we work together to improve student learning and school performance.

School Profile Information

School: Gainesboro Elementary School
Principal: Patricia Black
Enrollment: 484

School Vision Statement

Gainesboro Elementary seeks to become an exemplary learning community that will develop a culture for learning, improve instruction, use technology effectively, and commit to implementing principles of a professional learning community.

School Mission Statement

We will create a collaborative school culture and a student-centered learning environment to ensure that we achieve measurable, meaningful increases in academic performance for all students.

Goal #1

Students in grades 3-5 will demonstrate proficiency by passing SOL assessments with 75% passing English/Language Arts, 70% passing Math, and 70% passing Science by June 2025.  

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track
  • Teachers at Gainesboro Elementary School have been participating in bi-weekly extended planning meetings which began on August 28 to align Tier I assessments with Virginia Standards of Learning and backward design unit plans in Math, English/Language Arts, and Science. 
  • Teachers have been analyzing and evaluating student progress on Tier I assessments using a protocol developed by FCPS for data analysis and reflection. 
  • The Literacy Team has completed October Learning Walks to support the Virginia Literacy Act, focusing on the effective use of classroom resources.
  • Teachers have participated in professional learning once a month with a focus on explicit instruction, student engagement, and the use of high-quality instructional materials. 
  • Teachers are in the process of completing year-long professional learning as required by the Virginia Literacy Act.
Q2 On Track
  • Teachers at Gainesboro Elementary School continue to participate in bi-weekly extended planning meetings to align Tier I assessments with Virginia Standards of Learning and backward design unit plans in Math, English/Language Arts, and Science. 
  • Teachers continue to analyze and evaluate student progress on Tier I assessments using a protocol developed by FCPS for data analysis and reflection. 
  • The Literacy Team continues to conduct monthly Learning Walks to support the Virginia Literacy Act. The team conducted 56 Learning Walks thus far. Data collection indicates a 59% average use of High-Quality Instructional Materials (HMH Into Reading).
  • Teachers continue to participate in professional learning connected to explicit instruction, high-leverage practices, and learning cycles related to literacy. Learning cycles have focused on literacy block schedules, explicit teaching, student engagement, data literacy, phonemic awareness, and skills groups. 
  • Teachers are in the process of completing year-long professional learning as required by the Virginia Literacy Act.
  • Growth was noted in Math from the beginning of the year to mid-year iReady diagnostic assessments. On the Fall Diagnostic, 136 students were “Two or more years below grade level” in Math. This number decreased to 66 students on the Winter Diagnostic Assessment. The number of students considered “On or Above grade Level” increased from 39 students on the Fall Diagnostic assessment to 89 students on the Winter Diagnostic assessment. 


Goal #2

By June 2025, 0 staff members will be absent over 18 days excluding Family Medical Leave and Short-term Disability.

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track
  • Staff were notified at the opening faculty meeting on August 5 of the updated policies and procedures for attendance, as well as the goal for staff attendance. 
  • A reminder email about the expectations for attendance was communicated to staff on October 14. 
  • While staff members are making gains in this area, the number of substitutes available to cover staff absences has been a challenge. There have been 212 unfilled partial or full-day vacancies since the start of the school year that our staff members have diligently covered.
  • Staff members created 3 days of high-quality emergency sub plans on September 23, which was a professional learning day. 
Q2 On Track
  • Staff were reminded on January 2 of the policies and procedures for attendance, as well as the goal for staff attendance. 
  • While staff members are making gains in this area, the number of substitutes available to cover staff absences has been a challenge. Staff attendance will continue to be monitored.
  • Staff members were reminded to update their high-quality lesson plans if they utilized all of their emergency substitute plans. 


Goal #3

By June 2025, Gainesboro Elementary School will implement a comprehensive PBIS system with fidelity in all classrooms (action steps may help determine quantitative data through progress monitoring).

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track
  • The Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) committee completed updates to behavior management systems and presented these updated systems to staff members on August 13. 
  • During the FCPS Ignites New Teacher week, new hires to Gainesboro Elementary were provided information about Caring School Communities, Conscious Discipline, and effective classroom management strategies. 
  • The Curriculum and Instruction committee has determined the next steps for Volunteer Pathways and will be providing upcoming training and support for community members who would like to become reading buddies or cafeteria helpers. 
Q2 On Track
  • In implementing and updating our PBIS process Gainesboro has seen a  67% reduction in the number of students requiring behavior support compared to last year.  
  • The Curriculum and Instruction committee has developed training for Reading Buddies and Cafeteria helpers and will begin to train volunteers in January. 


For more information about Gainesboro Elementary School's Continuous Improvement Plan please join us at our quarterly events or reach out to the school principal.

Quarterly Events

  • September 26, 2024 - 5:30-7:00 p.m.
  • November 21, 2024 - 5:30-7:00 p.m.
  • February 27, 2025 - 5:30-7:00 p.m.
  • May 15, 2025 - 5:30-7:00 p.m.